Documents and Policies
Each Union, Competition and Club should create polices for return to activity and playing, making sure to comply with local laws (including health & safety, employment, data protection and COVID-19-specific legislation) and any policies implemented by government or local authorities. Unions, Competitions and Clubs should monitor changes to such legislation and policies and amend their own policies as required to ensure that the rugby community in their jurisdiction is applying best practice and complying with local requirements. A template operational document is available here (appendix 2) which may be useful to Unions, Competitions and Clubs.
All Unions, Competitions and Clubs should ensure that their policies require confirmation from players and staff that they have completed such training as recommended by their Union, so that they have been explained, to the best available evidence the known risks involved in returning to training and playing. Completion of the World Rugby COVID 19 – Return to Play Awareness Module for Coaches & Players is an example of an appropriate resource that Unions, Competitions and Clubs may use. Persons availing of the resource will be issued a certificate on successful completion of the module.