Drop kick
Before the kick, the kicker should:
- hold the ball so that when it is dropped to the ground it bounces up in the same alignment
- extend their arms fully (elbows straight)
- keep their core strong, then cock their leg by flexing hip and knee
- turn the shoulder of their non-kicking foot towards the target
- drop the ball to the ground the width of the hips from their non-kicking foot
During the kick, the kicker should:
- step forward onto their non-kicking foot aligning the line of the instep with the target
- un-cock their leg by extending hip and knee
- make contact with the bone on the top of the instep of their foot (laces of boot) and the lower part of the ball, keeping their toes pointing forwards and upwards
- for low kicks, strike the ball close to the ground; for high kicks, let the ball bounce higher
After the kick, the kicker should:
- follow through in a natural arc onto the toes of their non-kicking foot
- use the arm of the non-kicking side of the body for balance