Weather conditions
One factor over which you have no control is the weather - but it can be a good idea to know now if inclement weather is likely to be a factor, either on Captain’s Run day or match day.
Check the forecast now, and if you find anything worthy of concern, communicate your concern to the relevant parties so everyone is prepared.
Lightning guideline
Understanding the dangers of lightning and the proper precautions to take will assist in minimising incidents from lightning strikes. The actions that should be taken, when there is a threat of a lightning strike, will depend on the level of information available to event/competition organisers or match officials.
World Rugby publishes a Lightning Guideline on its Player Welfare web site.
View the World Rugby Lightning Guideline
Heat guideline
Exercising in extreme environments is known to be associated with medical complications.
World Rugby publishes a Heat Guideline on its Player Welfare web site.
View the World Rugby Heat Guideline