T1 Rugby in Schools

We want to introduce an exciting new non-contact version of rugby union called T1 Rugby. We believe it can be a brilliant new addition to your core sports and wellbeing curriculum. The game is a key part of World Rugby’s official offerings: 15 a-side, 7 a-side and now T1 Rugby

T1 Rugby is a non-contact game that retains many of the main elements of rugby, such as passing and evasion.

There’s also kicking, uncontested (non-contact) scrums and lineouts, so players can use different strengths to contribute to their team significantly.

Why T1 Rugby is an excellent fit for your school PE programme

  • Inclusive: can be played across the genders
  • Gets students physically active
  • Creates team connections, social skills and confidence
  • Opportunities to enhance transferrable fundamental movement skills
  • Easy to teach and referee
  • Can be played on different surfaces: sports halls, playgrounds, grass
  • Chances get young leaders involved
  • Only needs a ball to play
  • Adaptable so teachers can provide challenge and success for all
  • Grounded in the core values of rugby union

Want to get involved and fine out more

We have a comprehensive package of World Rugby resources designed by teachers for teachers and young leaders to enable anyone, regardless of previous knowledge or experience, to deliver T1 Rugby with confidence.

There is also a network of community clubs who will delighted to help along with playing opportunities and further support. We look forward to welcoming your school to the T1 Rugby family.

These resources were created by World Rugby and the RFU.
