What resources are available?
Tackle Ready should be used by all players (and coaches) to ensure that they can perform (and coach) the tackle safely and effectively. It is appropriate for all ages and stages of player whether their union has opted into the law trial or not.
In addition to this resource, Rugby Ready and Breakdown Ready are available to support both players and coaches.
Lowering the tackle height is an opt-in global trial - where individual unions are permitted to:
- Set a legal tackle height at the base of the sternum, or below as best suits their community game
- Set secondary laws governing associated areas of the game such as pick and go, double tacklers and ball carriers dipping into contact.
As a consequence of the multiple variables present in the two points above World Rugby will, for now, leave the production of further educational materials to the member unions who have opted in - in order to suit the height and secordary laws adopted.
Examples of member union resources as well as further information behind the trial are available to download here.