Managing players’ emotions

Regardless of gender, it is important to note that showing positive or negative emotions can be a very healthy approach to an intense experience. Some emotions, like confidence, excitement and joy can help motivate and improve performance. Coaches can develop methods to create and build those emotions during competitions, like using praise, positive visualisation, and micro-celebrations. Emotions like anxiety, anger, and despair can interfere with performance; teams will want to practice methods of managing these, such as reframing errors or problems as learning opportunities, support from teammates, and using key phrases or signals to transfer focus from past actions to the next passage of play.

It is also important that players be allowed space and time to express their frustrations, disappointment, etc. Coaches may want to offer “venting” sessions for the players to “dump” their emotions about a loss or other issue, with a method of closing the session and moving forward from there.