One-player tackles - front on

When the tackler approaches the ball-carrier from the front. Tacklers should select the correct level of connection dependent on the situation and attacking height of the ball-carrier. (note. Ball-carrier may change height prior to tackle). Tackles can be made at Level 1-3 using left and right shoulder.

Front on tackle Level 1

Front on tackle Level 2

Additional technical points may be used:

Hook and handle
  • When the tackler approaches the ball-carrier from the front.
  • Ball-carrier connects with either left or right shoulder at level 2/3, depending on the situation. If connecting with right shoulder, right arm hooks round ball-carrier’s back, left arm lifts ball-carrier’s leg (behind the knee) off the ground. Tackler drives ball-carrier backwards.
  • When the tackler targets the player and the ball from front on at Level 3, with the aim to prevent the offload by trapping the ball-carrier’s arms and the ball within the tackle.
  • Emphasis should be on eye discipline, arrowhead technique and control within this tackle to ensure there is no chance of head-to-head contact or foul play.
  • Aim to bring the ball-carrier to ground immediately by fast, low, dynamic tackle action.
  • Tackler connects with either left or right shoulder at level 1.
  • Coach must emphasise correct preparation and connection with laser focus on the target and full completion of connection, wrap, clamp, grip, acceleration, and finish to ensure a safe and legal tackle is made.
  • When the ball-carrier’s momentum is not stopped by the tackler and the tackle is completed when the ball-carrier is brought to ground in behind the tackler.
  • This can be made at Level 1,2 or 3
  • Although this is not a dominant tackle it can still be used as effective tackle if enough defensive support is available.