Where can I go to learn more about Activate?

There are a number of sources of information that can help you to understand more about Activate:

Activate website: This website contains copies of the programme cue cards that can be downloaded using the links below and used when coaching the programme. There are also filmed demonstrations of each individual exercise separated by each version and level of the programme available for you to view how exercises can be performed.

Download the Activate Under-15 Cue Cards

Download the Activate Under-16 Cue Cards

Download the Activate Under-18 Cue Cards

Download the Activate Adult Cue Cards

Published research: If you would like to know more about the research that has been completed on the Activate programme, you can download copies of published research papers through the following links:

Investigating if Activate can reduce injuries in adult male rugby players: Attwood et al., 2017

Investigating if Activate can reduce injuries in junior male rugby players: Hislop et al., 2017 and Barden et al., 2021

Attend an Activate workshop: Attending a face to face workshop is a great way to see first-hand how Activate can be delivered to your players, and will allow you to practice coaching the programme with other coaches in a supportive environment. The workshop will also provide you with important background detail on the programme and time is factored in to help you plan out how you would deliver Activate in your club or school rugby programme. 

Workshops are delivered by accredited training and education staff across all regions, and are available as a standalone 90-minute workshop or integrated into World Rugby Level 1 coaching 15s and 7s courses, and also Level 1 Conditioning for Children, Youth, and Adult courses. If you are interested in attending an Activate workshop, you should contact your Union Training Manager who will be able to advise on availability for future workshops or courses.

The video clip below illustrates how Activate is being rolled out through World Rugby and Regional Association training and education staff.