
There are approximately 500 new spinal cord injuries in the UK each year. The majority of these are caused by road traffic collisions (36%) and falls, with 0.5% resulting from rugby (rugby union and rugby league). In England there are on average 3-4 players a year who suffer a spinal cord injury resulting in permanent disability. The risk of catastrophic spinal cord injury in rugby union compared to other activities and the relative risks are shown in Figure 2 (Fuller 2008).

Figure 2: Risk of Catastrophic Spinal Cord Injury in Rugby Union (reproduced with permission from Dr C Fuller)

The cost to the individual, and to society, of a spinal cord injury is significant. The impact on the player and their family is life changing. The cost of lifelong health and social care is estimated at around £8 million/person.

The burden of non-catastrophic spinal injuries is also significant; in one study they accounted for 9% of the total time lost through match play injuries (Brooks JHM 2005).