It is important to identify the equipment required for the sporting environment and personnel in attendance, which may be based on the epidemiology of the sport you are working in, identifying the injury and illness profiles, along with a risk assessment for the event.
Equipment should be maintained in concordance with the manufacturer’s guidelines. A service log should be retained for all equipment which includes information service dates and when faults have been identified and addressed. In addition, checklists should be updated on at least a weekly basis. It is of paramount importance that medical equipment is stored as directed by the manufacturer in secure and safe areas with the appropriate security measures in place.
The ordering, receiving, storage, and disposal of medicines by sporting organisations and personnel must be within the law.
The provision of medical equipment and medicines abroad poses specific challenges these include; identification of the equipment and medicines required following a risk assessment of the country(s) being visited and the arrangements with the local medical providers. It is essential the mandatory documentation is obtained from the home country agencies and the government agencies of the country being visited.