Match Day - At Kick-off

5 mins before kick-off click “START SESSION”

  • Once START SESSION has been pressed, if any alerts appear before kick-off, confirmed by the timestamp of the alert being before kick-off, the alerts should be cleared by the MDD as they have occurred because of IMG handling during warm-up.

Start session screen

  • An icon in the top left of the Game Day App will flash continuously so you know that the App is enabled to receive alerts. 

Flashing icon indicating connectivity

  • During the match the screen will display all athletes in the teams squad in either a blue or grey tile. THE DETAIL ON THIS SCREEN AND COLOUR OF THE PLAYERS TILE IS TO BE IGNORED.
  • A common question is ‘Does an athlete's profile being grey mean they are not connecting for Alerts?’. The answer is NO. This only indicates the device is out of range to sync non-alert data. This information is not relevant to the MDD and has no bearing on alerts being received.

Player tile screen (TO BE IGNORED BY MDD)

  • At the end of the match press the three dots at the top right of the screen and select “STOP SESSION”