Prevent System Operations

The home team is responsible for providing the MDD with a Prevent iPad or iPhone during the pre-match medical meeting. The MDD may also be provided with an additional Bluetooth BEAM (dependent upon the needs of the stadium). The Bluetooth BEAM is a small device which helps enhance the connectivity to the IMGs and must be placed on the table next to the iPad for the duration of the game.  

In unforeseen circumstances, where the home team does not provide the iPad, the Prevent Game Day App may be installed on the same iOS tablet that is used for SCRM during the match.

Once the MDD has received the Prevent iPad they must log into The Game Day App (not the Prevent Team app) using the credentials you created before the match. 

  • To Sign in: Use the same credentials you created earlier.
  • Allow Bluetooth: Allow Bluetooth access upon first signing in.
  • Push Notifications: Allow the app to send notifications to your iOS device.

It is recommended checking that the iPad Screen is set to “Never Lock”. This can be checked in Settings > Display and Brightness > Auto-Lock > Never

Prevent Bluetooth Beam


Prevent Game Day (GD) App


Prevent Team App