
The assessment and treatment of a seriously injured or ill player requires rapid assessment of the injuries or illness and initiation of the appropriate life or limb-saving care in a safe environment.

The assessment of a player’s circulation status forms part of the primary survey and is undertaken after ensuring it is safe to approach the injured or ill player; checking they have a patent airway and are breathing. One exception to this order is if the injured player has a catastrophic external bleed. In this circumstance pressure should be applied to the bleeding source e.g. a dressing applied using direct pressure to the wound before progressing to assess the airway. In the very rare circumstance of a catastrophic haemorrhage in sport, the use of an arterial tourniquet and/or a haemostatic dressing is to be considered.

This chapter will; define shock, outline the major causes of shock both haemorrhagic and non-haemorrhagic, and provide an assessment strategy including identification of the cause in order to commence initial treatment. Fluid therapy will be discussed in detail explaining the rationale behind balanced fluid resuscitation.