Hard Tissue
These can be divided into 3 areas:
- The upper face - the frontal bone
- The midface - the nose, orbit, zygomatic and maxillary bones
- The lower face - the mandible
- Look for facial asymmetry. Stand in front of the patient and look for gross asymmetry. From above and behind look down to check the level of the cheekbones.
- Check for altered sensation bilaterally over the forehead, cheeks and below the lower lip on each side. If there is abnormal sensation suspect a fracture.
- Inspect for bruising, swelling, lacerations, missing tissue, foreign bodies or bleeding.
- Inspect the eyes (with topical local anaesthetic drops if necessary):
- Examine all eye movements
- Assess pupils
- Check visual acuity (Snellen Chart)
- Check for a hyphema (blood in the anterior chamber of the eye)
- Consider the use of fluorescein (if available) to look for corneal abrasion
- If eye trauma is suspected refer urgently to an ophthalmologist via the emergency department if necessary
- Inspect the nose.
- Palpate for tenderness
- Look for deformity
- Assess for air movement via both nostrils
- Look for septal haematoma
- Ears
- Inspect for lacerations or swelling
- Check the tympanic membrane is intact
- Mouth and Jaw
- Inspect the tongue and oral cavity including the hard and soft palate
- Palpate the mandible including the temporomandibular joint (TMJ), looking for mobility or crepitus. Also, look for bruising including intra-orally.
- Assess for Midface/Le Fort fractures (see below)
- Assess the teeth. Look for avulsed/missing or loose teeth. Look for dental malocclusion (as the payer if their teeth meet together normally for them, when biting on the back teeth). If a tooth has been avulsed, if it can’t be found, has it been aspirated?