Wound Assessment
The following should be considered when undertaking an assessment of a wound:
1) Wound classification:
- Laceration
- Contused wound
- Puncture wounds
- Bites
- Degloving injuries
- Abrasions
2) Type of wound:
- Linear (regular)
- Stellate (irregular)
3) Depth:
- Wounds not fully penetrating the skin are superficial
- Explore all deep wounds under anesthesia if any doubt exists to whether there may be damage to underlying structures
4) Site of wound:
- Infection rate: legs & feet > arms & hands >head & neck.
- Cosmetic implications
- Wounds over joints
5) Damage to underlying structures:
- Key to assessment includes understanding the mechanism of injury
- Always assess distal neurovascular status
- Always assess for underlying tendon damage
6) Is the wound dirty?
- All sporting wounds are potentially dirty
- Injuries more than 4 hours old
- Location
- Contamination with devitalised tissue, foreign material, saliva, or mud
- Blunt (crush) mechanism
- High velocity missile injuries