Scoring the Screen

At this level, the coach could use a simple observation scoring sheet such as the one shown in the table below.

From a frontal view position, the coach observes for the following:

  1. Do the knees move inwards or outwards?
  2. Do the feet rotate outwards?

From a side view position, the coach observes for the following:

  1. Do the heels rise as the player descends into a squat position?
  2. Does the player reach the appropriate depth (at least thighs parallel to the floor)?
  3. Does the torso fall forward of the base of support?
  4. Do the arms fall forward or remain overhead?

The coach observes the player performing the Overhead Squat and fills in the scoring sheet shown in the figure below. A score of 0 is given if the player performs the movement with no compensations, a score of 2 is given if the player has minor movement compensations and a score of 4 is given if the player has excessive movement compensations. A player competent in the screen should score 0 in each of the categories. A score of 2 or 4 highlights an area of movement weakness that needs to be addressed.

Date:      View:    Score: Total score of 0 means the player is competent in the movement
Name of subject Feet Knees Arms Torso Hip/Thigh Heels
Joe Bloggs 0 0 0 0 0 0
John Doe 0 2 2 4 2 0