Circuit Training
Circuit training is a very good method of training especially when trying to train many players at the same time. Circuits are easy to set up and implement and require very little equipment. Circuit training is also a very easy training method to provide overload and variation to a training programme.
The coach can increase the work time or decrease the rest time, add an extra exercise, or change the amount of circuits and this will change the workload placed on the athlete. The circuit can also be used to address weaknesses of the players. Some examples include: mobility circuit, flexibility circuit, core strength circuit, total body circuit.
The sample circuit detailed in the diagram below could be used to introduce the players to strength and resistance training as it mainly focuses on body-weight total body exercises. It also utilises exercises that do not need a lot of equipment. This circuit could be integrated into team pitch training and used as a conditioning section. The rest time between the circuits is dictated by the level of fitness of the players. As a starting point, a 2-minute interval can be prescribed before the next circuit. As the players’ strength and fitness levels increase, then more advanced resistance training such as free weights can be used.