Hypertrophy Mesocycle

This section presents a sample hypertrophy mesocycle that could be used to gain muscle mass. A hypertrophy mesocycle would be used most in the pre-season phase but this does not mean that hypertrophy mesocycles are just limited to the pre-season. Hypertrophy is very important in rugby because, as mentioned previously, higher levels of muscle mass are more favourable for performance. Hypertrophy training and increasing muscle mass provide a good foundation for players to build on and improve their maximal strength and power.  Players that lack size and muscle mass may need more of a hypertrophy focus in their training to compete physically in their position.

Some key guidelines and considerations for designing a hypertrophy plan for rugby are:

  • mainly use of compound multi-joint lifts in the programme
  • repetition range of between 6-15
  • sets of between 10-20 sets per muscle group per week
  • load is between 60-85% of the maximum weight lifted for that exercise
  • weights should be lifted to the point closest to muscle failure, one or two repetitions short (an effort level of 7-9 out of 10 on a Rated Perceived Exertion [RPE] scale).
  • Each week or two, progress by increasing the weight lifted, increasing the amount of repetitions performed at the same weight or the amount of sets performed
  • A split (upper/lower) routine or whole-body routine can be used
  • Balance the main movement patterns throughout the plan (squat, hinge, lunge, push, pull, carry)
  • Limiting long steady-state endurance work in this mesocycle to maximise muscle gains
  • Player must eating a calorie surplus to provide body with the energy supply and nutrients it requires to build muscle
  • Sufficient duration and quality of sleep is, as always, an important part of a hypertrophy programme.


Table 1. below shows the first 4 weeks of an 8-week hypertrophy mesocycle. The plan is an upper and lower body split 4 days a week. For example, Monday and Tuesday could be Upper Body 1 and Lower Body 1 and then Thursday and Friday could be Upper Body 2 and Lower Body 2.

The plan clearly shows the exercises sets and repetitions to be completed. The Rating of Perceived Exertion (RPE) column guides how hard the player should be working and to allow progression over the weeks. If the player starts week 1 lifting at a 7 out of 10 effort, week 2 an 8 out of 10 effort and week 3 a 9 out of 10 effort, they have progressed over the course of the training programme. To make this jump in effort each week, the player can add some weight to the lift, or they can add an extra repetition at the same weight. If adding weight for example in week 1 the player could bench press 60kg x 8, week 2 62.5 kg x 8 and week 3 65kg x 8. If adding repetitions for example in week 1 the player could bench press 60kg x 8, week 2 60kg x 9 and week 3 60 kg x 10. Both options lead to a progression in effort and overload placed on the player as the weeks progress, which is key for growth and adaptation.

Week 4 can be a de-load week to reset and recharge before the second 4-week block of the mesocycle. In week 4 the player should perhaps just complete session 1 for upper and lower to allow for increased recovery in the week.  

Table 1. Hypertrophy mesocycle weeks 1-4

Upper Body 1      
Exercise Reps Sets RPE
Bench Press 8 4 7-9
Dumbbell Row 8 each side 4 7-9
Incline Dumbbell Press 10 4 7-9
Lat Pulldown 10 4 7-9
Lateral Raises 12 3 8
Bicep Curls 12 3 8
Skull Crushers 12 3 8
Lower Body 1      
Exercise Reps Sets RPE
Back Squat 8 4 7-9
Dumbbell Romanian Deadlift 10 4 7-9
Glute Bridge 15 4 7-9
Calf Raises 15 4 8
Plank 45 secs 4 -
Farmers Carry 50 metres 4 8
Upper Body 2      
Exercise Reps Sets RPE
Pullups 8 4 7-9
Dumbbell Shoulder Press 10 4 7-9
Bent Over Barbell Rows 10 4 7-9
Dumbbell Chest Press 10 4 7-9
Face Pulls 10 4 8
Tricep Extensions 15 4 8
Lower Body 2      
Exercise Reps Sets RPE
Reverse Lunge 8 each side 4 7-9
Goblet Squat 12 4 7-9
Leg Curls 12 5 7-9
Leg Extensions 12 5 7-9
Suitcase Carry 30 metres each side 3 8
Side Plank 40 secs each side 3 -

Table 2. below shows weeks 5-8 of the hypertrophy mesocycle. There have not been wholesale changes to the programme to maintain consistency and to achieve overload. Two new exercises have been swapped in for variety and an increase in volume in some exercises to stimulate muscle adaptation and growth. Volume increases are a very powerful way of improving hypertrophy, but care must be taken. If volume keeps increasing it will lead to greater fatigue and subsequent recovery times required. Week 8 should be a de-load week where only the first 2 sessions are performed.

Table 2. Hypertrophy mesocycle weeks 5-8

Upper Body 1      
Exercise Reps Sets RPE
Bench Press 8 5 7-9
Seated Cable Row 10 5 7-9
Decline Dumbbell Press 10 4 7-9
Lat Pulldown 10 4 7-9
Lateral Raises 12 4 8
Twist Curls 12 3 8
Tricep Kickbacks 12 3 8
Lower Body 1      
Exercise  Reps Sets RPE
Back Squat 8 5 7-9
Dumbbell Romanian Deadlift 10 5 7-9
Hip Thrust 15 4 7-9
Single Leg Calf Raise 12 each leg 5 8
High Plank 50 secs 4 -
Farmers Carry 50 metres 4 8
Upper Body 2      
Exercise Reps Sets RPE
Pullups 10 4 7-9
Dumbbell Shoulder Press 10 5 7-9
Bent Over Barbell Rows 8 5 7-9
Dumbbell Flies 10 4 7-9
Cable Reverse Flies 15 4 8
Tricep Pulldowns 15 4 8
Lower Body 2      
Exercise Reps Sets RPE
Reverse Lunge 8 each side 5 7-9
Goblet Squat 10 5 7-9
Leg Press 12 5 7-9
Gliding Leg Curls 12 5 7-9
Suitcase Carry 30 metres each side 3 8
Side Plank 40 secs each side 3 -

It is important to remember that rugby players are not bodybuilders. While hypertrophy is extremely important and should be a focus of training, other components of fitness such as strength and power which will help an athlete improve their on-field performance need to also be a considered.